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Re: Engraving 2½ vocal parts

From: Christopher R. Maden
Subject: Re: Engraving 2½ vocal parts
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2018 17:22:32 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.2.1

On 12/24/18 4:39 AM, Michael Gerdau wrote:
You can create Staff 7. like this:

\new Staff \with {
   instrumentName = "8."
   \clef "treble_8"
   \key c \minor
   \time 3/4
   \partial 4
     { \new Voice \voiceOne \descant }
     { \new Voice \voiceTwo \melody }
     { \new Voice \voiceTwo \altMelody }

Thanks! That didn’t quite work, as the real use case has shared rests before the voices come in. Then, autoBeamOff threw another wrench in the works... but that pointed me in the right direction; what did work was this:

\new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "10."
  \clef "treble_8"
  \key c \minor
  \time 3/4
  \partial 4
  { \new Voice = "descant" \voiceOne \autoBeamOff s4 | s2.*3 | s2 }
  { \new Voice = "melody" \voiceTwo \autoBeamOff s4 | s2.*3 | s2 }
  { \new Voice = "alt_melody" \voiceTwo \autoBeamOff s4 | s2.*3 | s2 }
    r4 | R2. | r2
      { \context Voice = "descant" \descant }
      { \context Voice = "melody" \melody }
      { \context Voice = "alt_melody" \altMelody }

Thanks so much!  Happy New Year to all ’ponders everywhere!

Chris Maden, text nerd
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