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No lyric extenders for RhythmicStaff if music comes from a variable

From: Lukas-Fabian Moser
Subject: No lyric extenders for RhythmicStaff if music comes from a variable
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 22:22:16 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.2.1

Dear list,


\version "2.19.80"

Melodie = \relative g' {
    g8 16 16 16 8.~  4 r

\new Staff \Melodie \addlyrics { Once there was a way __ }

\new RhythmicStaff \Melodie \addlyrics { Once there was a way __ }

\new Staff \relative g' { g8 16 16 16 8.~  4 r }  \addlyrics { Once there was a way __ }

\new RhythmicStaff \relative g' { g8 16 16 16 8.~  4 r }  \addlyrics { Once there was a way __ }

As can be seen, the second example does not contain the Lyric extender. Why is this so, and how can I get it back? (True for 2.19.80 as well as not-so-current master from a few weeks/months ago.)


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