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Re: Binary Search Tree in Scheme

From: Jan-Peter Voigt
Subject: Re: Binary Search Tree in Scheme
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 11:41:45 +0200
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Am 18.06.2018 um 11:16 schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 18.06.2018 um 10:57 schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt:
Hi Urs,

there are self balancing trees like AVL or Red-Black, but I'd say implementation cost is quite for this purpose to sort n<1000 elements. I might be wrong, but I'd prefer the sort method.

OK, this is why I ask.
(I assume with "implementation" cost you mean the additional time needed for insertion/balancing, not the time *I* need for the implementation?)
Yes I mean insertion cost, but I also mean weight of the code. You have a complex structure to maintain.

The EE uses a tree that sorts by measure on the first level, by moment on second and then by the edition-id-path. So there is a tree structure, but on each level the child-list for each node is sorted by the guile method sort, when it is displayed in order. To access the elements it uses a hashtable. In your case annotations should be at least partially sorted. The question is, where/when do you need the sorted list?

When exporting annotations.
So this is a one time sorting task. Or twice, if you have two views.

While typesetting music, you need to insert access the elements by a path moment/context or the like.

Yes. When an acknowledged grob has an annotation attached it will be prepended to the list or inserted into the tree.
The list will be sorted for one view. I assume `reverse` a quite cheap function.

To export a summary the order might be given by a path piece/movement/measure/moment/context.

So do I get this right: you're suggestion that I *do* use a tree structure, but not a BST but one where the hierarchy matches the musical one > This means that assuming my current movement has 1000 measures, and an average of five annotations per measure I wouldn't have one list of 5000 annotations but one of 1000 (to sort) and 1000 of five each. And when I have 1000 measures where only 37 include 1-2 annotations I'd have that list of 37 measures with sublists of 1-2 each.?
Yes. The tree-structure is for creating different views and for directory lookup. If all annotations are fetched by an engraver it might be OK to first collect them in one large list. And if you drop them into a tree with the scheme of the desired view you don't need to sort the list, but just the tree. If you already know the scheme of the view while fetching the annotation events you can of course insert the annotations immediatly in the tree. That insertion might be hidden behind a method of an insert-collect-object. That way you can interchange the implementation without touching the engraver ... and perhaps I didn't study the ScholarLY code and that is already the case ;-)

To give a different view on the data I'd build another tree with the desired scheme like type/mvmt/measure. If you have the primary tre in insertion order you would have to visit some nodes more than twice so a copy should be cheaper. (That is not a proof but an assumption!)

You mean: walk over the initial tree and insert each element into a new tree with its own hierarchical structure matching the desired output hierarchy?

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