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Re: Multiple staffs

From: J Martin Rushton
Subject: Re: Multiple staffs
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2018 23:27:31 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.6.0

On 25/02/18 21:07, address@hidden wrote:
>>>>>> "J" == J Martin Rushton <address@hidden> writes:
> J> to set a composition which starts with a single instrument before
> J> bringing in the whole ensemble.  I don't want to break it up into
> J> multiple scores because I want the midi to play through as a single
> J> performance.
> Something like this?  I think it'd look better with a line break after
> the solo section, but this should give you an idea.  Your example had
> everything in parallel, instead of a sequential part.
> \version "2.21.0"
> solo = \relative c'' { c4 c c c }
> desc = \relative c'' { b b b b }
> treb = \relative c'' { g g g g }
> bass = \relative c { e e e e }
> \score {
>     { % sequential Music that starts with the solo
>         \new Staff = "treb" \solo
>       << % and now a parallel section of three staves.
>          % The label marks which one was the solo before.
>          \new Staff \desc
>          \context Staff = "treb" \treb
>          \new Staff { \clef "F" \bass
>       >>
>     }
>   >>
> }

Thank you to David, Karlin & Peter.

I've sorted out the silly typo and understood that I need a second set
of brackets to serialise the expressions.  Thanks also for pointing out
that I needed \context rather than \new.  I'm using the script below
which, although not perfect, enables me to get on with music not
programming.  The only slight niggle is whether I can persuade Lily to
use the full instrument names at the start of the main section rather
than the short names.

Once again, thanks for your help.



introPart = \new Staff ="tenor" \with {
  instrumentName = "Tenor"
  midiInstrument = "recorder"
  shortInstrumentName = "Te"
} { \clef treble \intro }

descantRecorderPart = \new Staff \with {
  alignAboveContext = #"tenor"
  instrumentName = "Descant"
  shortInstrumentName = "De"
  midiInstrument = "recorder"
} { \clef "treble^8" \descantRecorder }

trebleRecorderPart = \new Staff \with {
  alignAboveContext = #"tenor"
  instrumentName = "Treble"
  shortInstrumentName = "Tr"
  midiInstrument = "recorder"
} { \clef "treble" \trebleRecorder }

tenorRecorderPart = \context Staff ="tenor" \with {
  instrumentName = "Tenor"
  midiInstrument = "recorder"
  shortInstrumentName = "Te"
} { \clef treble \tenorRecorder }

bassRecorderPart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Bass"
  midiInstrument = "recorder"
  shortInstrumentName = "Ba"
} { \clef "bass^8" \bassRecorder }

\book {
  \score {
    \layout {}
    \midi {}

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