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Re: Snippet 888 string, was Re: Lyric centre-on-word / ignore-punctuatio

From: madMuze
Subject: Re: Snippet 888 string, was Re: Lyric centre-on-word / ignore-punctuation bug
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2018 20:27:58 -0700 (MST)

>> What I haven't figured out is why there are two long dashes

As davidK pointed out, three dash forms are probably desired: the hyphen,
the N-dash, and the M-dash. It does look like an extra M-dash at the
beginning of your string (or is that some character code masquerading as a
dash?). The space is there, not for the dash, but (I believe) in case one
might enter "lyricSyllable " in quotes and including a space. Having the
space character in space-set thus causes the space width to be ignored on
centering. For what it’s worth, I use this string for space-set (in ASCII
order, if I recall):
  " !()*,-./:;<>?[]`{|}‚„…‹‘’“”–—› ¡«»¿"

The obsessively astute will notice a non-breaking space just before the
inverted bang. One might include numerals, if one wanted a sloppy way to
indicate stanzas. Since the tilde creates a lyric tie, it is probably better
left out of space-set.

This is a lovely and much-appreciated procedure. So long as the space-set
string could be customized, making this default behavior in a future version
would indeed contribute to the progress of civilization.


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