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Re: Syllable count

From: Karlin High
Subject: Re: Syllable count
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 21:41:02 -0600

On Mon, Feb 19, 2018 at 6:46 PM, Kieren MacMillan
<address@hidden> wrote:
> Why not use different Lyrics contexts, and just omit the grobs until you need 
> to see them?

Okay, time for me to betray my ignorance. I've looked at Notation
Reference 2.1.2 Techniques Specific to Lyrics, and it's helpful. But I
don't find advice on how to best handle it when multiple stanzas of
shared lyrics diverge into a chorus of many separate ones at a point
dozens of bars into the song. Here is a fairly minimal example of what
I usually do:

\version "2.19.80"
SopranoMusic = { e'4 f' g' a' | c''1 }
AltoMusic = { c'4 d' e' f' | g'2 g' }
TenorMusic = { a4 b c' d' | e'4 e' e' e' }
BassMusic = { c4 c c c | c8 c c c c c c c }

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff = "women" {
        \new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \SopranoMusic }
        \new Voice = "alto" { \voiceTwo \AltoMusic }
        \new NullVoice = "tenorwords" { \TenorMusic }
        \new NullVoice = "basswords" { \BassMusic }
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" {
          All to -- geth -- er now
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "alto" {
          _ _ _ _ now now
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenorwords" {
          _ _ _ _ now now now now
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "basswords" {
          _ _ _ _ now now now now now now now now
    \new Staff = "men" {
      \clef bass
        \new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \TenorMusic }
        \new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \BassMusic }

And a real-world example is attached. In that one, I'm using \repeat
unfold 30 { \skip 4 } to get the extra lyrics contexts advanced to
their starting points. And, it's not really a problem; I can live with
this. I just wonder:

1. Is there a better way to do this?
2. Is there a function that can count syllables just like the... the
lyric engraver, is it? I would give it some music, and it would say
how many lyric syllables I have, accounting for slurs and such.

Now, omitting the grobs - I'm thinking that means "make things
disappear." The notes? The lyrics? Some other graphic object?
Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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