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Re: [OT] Linux Users

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: [OT] Linux Users
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2017 23:07:29 +0100

On 19.11.2017 22:58, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 19.11.2017 um 22:55 schrieb Simon Albrecht:
On 18.11.2017 17:58, Jacques Peron wrote:
Linux, LilyPond, LuaLaTeX (and Gregorio for gregorian chant) here. To integrate LilyPond into LaTeX, I developped lyluatex <>.

Pardon the question: If it involves Lua, doesn’t that make it incompatible with XeLaTeX?

Yes, hence the name ly/lua/tex ;-)

As I needn’t tell you, Urs, that’s a major drawback for users like me, or anybody who wants to use the lilyglyphs package, or other XeLaTeX features… then again, I might prefer working with includegraphics and pdfpages in the rare cases that I work with LaTeX.

Best, Simon

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