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Re: Midi output with highlighted voices

From: karl
Subject: Re: Midi output with highlighted voices
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 21:25:06 +0100 (CET)

> I typeset choir pieces and in this field it is a big advantage of
> LilyPond that producing MIDI files with highlighted voices for each
> single voice is possible. Today I do this by defining a new book for
> each voice and by "highlighting" the respective voice - by increasing
> her volume and assigning her a distinct midiInstrument - see the
> attached MWE. The result is good and very usable for choirs to improve
> the individual practicing at home.
> But the input is ugly. The MWE works with only 2 voices and yet has a
> lot of repetitive code. Imagine a piece with 8 voices! The MIDI output
> for 8 highlighted voices would need hundreds of highly repetitive lines
> of LilyPond code. I wish there was a feature to produce the output with
> one line of code in the \midi{}-section of the pdf producing \score.
> LilyPond would have to loop over the voices in the score and produce a
> book as described in the MWE.

I do it by having a separate program to generate score files with the 
music in a separate file, like in:


You can also point your choists to midiplayers where they can adjust 
things themselfs. It looks like the choirist can cange volume, 
instrument other things like in

There is a list of different midi players at:

/Karl Hammar

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