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Re: Single-note tremolos

From: Carl Sorensen
Subject: Re: Single-note tremolos
Date: Mon, 16 May 2016 20:52:19 +0000
User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/

On 5/16/16 1:20 PM, "Malte Meyn" <address@hidden> wrote:

>Am 16.05.2016 um 01:23 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
>> 2) The tremolo lines are too thick (they should be thinner than beams,
>> in LilyPond they are the same thickness).
>IMO your variant isn¹t much better: The tremolo beams look *very* slim
>now. Two ideas:
>1. Does Gould say something about *how much* thinner they should be?
>2. Shouldn¹t the space between the beams be reduced at the same or at
>least similar amount?

Lilypond beams are 0.48 staff spaces by default, which is half of the
space between staff lines.

In the code I produced I reduced the thickness by about 25%, to 0.4 staff
spaces.  Harm had suggested even thinner lines, at 0.35 staff spaces.

Gould is explicit that the separation for the tremolo lines is the same as
the separation for beams, with one possible exception -- she suggests that
when there are two tremolo lines, they should both be centered on adjacent
staff lines.  Beams should be hanging from the top, and centered on the
bottom.  At any rate, her explicit recommendation is that the spacing
should *not* be reduced, and the reduction in line thickness increases the
amount of white space between the lines.

>> 4) For notes on a staff line, the tremolo line closest to the heads
>> centered on a staff space.  This is allowed in Gould, but not
>> The recommendation is that single tremolo strokes should center on a
>> line.  The closest stroke and the single stroke are in the same position
>> in LilyPond, so I think it is best to move them to a staff line.
>This thread from August 2015 might be related:
>I posted a bug and an imperfect workaround there. I also reported the
>bug here:
>But I don¹t think it¹s been added to the tracker yet (IMO it¹s different
>from issue 3143, explanation see this thread).

I have not yet worked on the code to change the slash placement on stemmed
notes.  The problems with the stemmed note slashes are more severe than on
the whole note slashes.  But the code for the whole notes was easier to
work on for an initial patch.  My plan was to handle the whole-note
tremolos first, and make sure I got the spacing rules right, then figure
out how to apply the spacing rules properly to the stemmed-note tremolos.

Gould says that whole-note tremolos should be applied as if the note had a
stem, so I'm comfortable doing the initial work on whole notes, then
moving it to stemmed notes.



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