\version "2.18.2" \header { title = \markup {\smallCaps "The Data Typewriter"} composer = \markup {\smallCaps "LaJoy Randallson"} } #(define typewriter '((key default #f 0) (cr default #f -2) (bell default #f 2))) drumPitchNames.key = #'key drumPitchNames.cr = #'cr drumPitchNames.bell = #'bell % The "key" note should use the midi note 70 or Maracas % The "carriage return: note should use the midi note 74 or Long Guiro % The "bell" note should use the midi note 81 or Open Triangle percussionI = \drummode { \override Staff.StaffSymbol.line-positions = #'(0) \override Staff.BarLine.bar-extent = #'(-2 . 2) \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table typewriter) key8\f^"Typewriter key click" key key key key key key key | key key key key key4 key8 key | key key key key key key key key | bell4\laissezVibrer^"Bell" r cr->_"Carriage return" r | } percussionIPart = \new DrumStaff { \new DrumVoice { \percussionI } } \score { \percussionIPart \layout {} \midi {} }