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Re: strange error message - cannot open .ly file

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: strange error message - cannot open .ly file
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 14:08:57 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Fri 30 Oct 2015 at 14:03:30 (+0000), MING TSANG wrote:
> Thank you David,simon, Jacques & Thomas:
> Turn out it was the file name that cause the problem.
> As suggest by David, 
> 1..  I rename the .ly file not using any utf-8 code and it complies fine.
> 2..  I change the first utf-8 character  "禱" to another "主" and the file
> complies fine as well
> 3.. the file name with utf-8 "禱" when comply generate the strange error -- no
> version statement found.
> Question:  can be be resolved? Or nothing we can do?

AFAICT the newer versions of frescobaldi, eg 2.18.1 in Debian's
stretch, use python3, and that should handle UTF8 natively. The older
version in Debian's stable (jessie) is 2.0.13 which uses python2, and
so UTF has to be handled with extra code (easy, but necessary).
But it's odd that particular characters should troublesome but not

LilyPond itself probably cares little about the filename it's given
because all it has to do with it is reflect it on the console.
I've tested the jessie version (2.18.2) with filenames consisting
of SPACE, NBSP, strings like ¶‱™ ⇈☂✂♠♫ (which has a NBSP in the
middle) and also your title and poet thus:

lilypond 雨打芭蕉xxx禱願
lilypond 禱願xxx雨打芭蕉

I don't know what platform you're running this on. If it's MS, it
could be their use of UTF16 that's causing a problem.

Attached are the files for a run based on your troublesome character
(if I captured the correct one):

禱       source file
lilyerr  console output
lilyout  output from displayLilyMusic
禱.pdf   output file

Because my xterms have limited fonts available, there's also a
screenshot of these files altogether in emacs.


Attachment: txtjSyU7mlR3_.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: lilyerr
Description: Text document

Attachment: lilyout
Description: Text document

Attachment: pdfpR1Wpv5Ujg.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: emacs-screenshot.png
Description: PNG image

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