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Re: independent time signatures

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: independent time signatures
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 00:09:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.3.0

Am 20.10.2015 um 23:30 schrieb David Wright:
> Quoting Michael Collins (address@hidden):
>> I'm trying to write a piece for two staves in independent time signatures. 
>> After consulting this post, I moved the timing translator and bar line 
>> engraver
>> out of the score context and into the staff context.  However, I'm still
>> getting garbled output.  My code is attached below.  What am I doing wrong?
> I ran your code unmodified and then I added
> #(set-global-staff-size 14)
> so that the score didn't run off the page. I can see 4 bars of 4/4 in
> the treble. Because the first barlines in each staff come at the same
> moment, LP takes the opportunity to make a line break, its only
> chance. It's also the only time the GrandStaff can span the barline.

This is true, LilyPond can only make a line break when all staves are at
the same moment in time. You can force mid-measure breaks with \bar "",
but only at these points.

> The 7th treble note lines up with the 3rd bass note as might be
> expected (6 beats have passed). The bass line has about 13.52 units of
> time, compared with 16 in the treble, so it finishes earlier.
> I haven't figured out why the bass staff is slightly prolonged past
> the |. barline, but perhaps the maths is getting screwed up by the odd
> denominators which LP is also issuing warnings about.

Compiling with LilyPond 2.19.29 there is no line break and no overlap at
the end, but still: that music will only be printable with line breaks
at such common places.

Apart from that: LilyPond complains about failed barchecks at the end of
m. 2 and m.3 of the upper staff, which I don't understand. Everything
seems to be correct here. Somehow I have the feeling that the barcheck
of the upper staff is actually checked against the lower staff. You can
see that even when you comment out everything in the lower staff after
the 1/3 measure. In that case the lower staff doesn't even exist anymore
when the upper staff barcheck is executed.

Is there anything in Lily that might make a barcheck go into the Score
context despite moving the engravers to the Staff context?

Sorry for not being more helpful

> When you say the output is garbled, what was it you expected to see
> that you're not getting?
> Cheers,
> David.
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