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Re: opus and piece fields in top level header.

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: opus and piece fields in top level header.
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2015 08:52:45 +0100

On Fri, 2015-10-09 at 23:37 +0200, Simon Albrecht wrote:
> On 09.10.2015 22:25, Richard Shann wrote:
> > In the 2.18 it does not seem to mention that the opus and piece fields
> > are not output anywhere if they are set in a \header{} block *outside*
> > any \score{} block, but this seems to be the case.
> I can’t access the 2.18 docs ATM, since is down. But in the 
> current development version, this is documented in NR 3.2.1, with an 
> example for the default placement. 3.2.2 has an explanation how to 
> redefine the \paper variable bookHeaderMarkup, and the default value can 
> be found in ‘ly/’.

Thank you - that is the documentation I was looking at, and it not quite
as explicit as it could be: there is a series of notes including this

- Only piece and opus are printed in a \score when the paper variable
print-all-headers is set to ##f (the default). 

which could be supplemented by

- The piece and opus are ignored when in a \header block not inside a
\score block. 

I think at the moment you can only discern that by spotting absences.


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