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Re: stacking whole notes of different size

From: Stephen MacNeil
Subject: Re: stacking whole notes of different size
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2015 13:14:09 -0400

>Yup, creating a new Voice and applying force-hshift works, but the last
>tie looks quite different than the other ones:

Yup it does look different. Using \override Tie.Y-offset = #.3 fixes it a bit but still ugly.

\shape #'((-0.5 . 0.5) (0 . 0.5) (0.5 . 0.3) (0.5 . 0.5)) Tie

looks better I think.

\version "2.18.2"

\relative c'' {

a2. fis4 | a1 |


{ g1 | fis | e | d~ | d1~ | d1~ |

% if you want the notes joined

<d \tweak font-size #-3 d'>2 }

\new Voice \with { fontSize = #-3 } {

\override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #0.35

b'1 | bes! | cis | d~ | d1~ |

%looks ok ...

% \override Tie.Y-offset = #.3

% looks better

\shape #'((-0.5 . 0.5) (0 . 0.5) (0.5 . 0.3) (0.5 . 0.5)) Tie

d1~ |

% only if you want the notes together

\hideNotes d2




> a2. fis4 | a1 |
   > <<
   >   { \voiceTwo g1 | fis | e | d~ | 1~ | 1~ | 2  }
   >  \new Voice \with { fontSize = #-3 } {
   >      \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #0.15
   >      \voiceOne b'1 | h! | cis | d~ | 1~ | 1~ | 2
   > }
> >>

> see attached picture.



On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 1:21 AM, Marc Hohl <address@hidden> wrote:
Am 31.08.2015 um 19:09 schrieb Stephen MacNeil:
\override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #.65 works but you would have to
create a new voice i believe.

Yup, creating a new Voice and applying force-hshift works, but the last
tie looks quite different than the other ones:

a2. fis4 | a1 |
     { \voiceTwo g1 | fis | e | d~ | 1~ | 1~ | 2  }
     \new Voice \with { fontSize = #-3 } {
          \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #0.15
          \voiceOne b'1 | h! | cis | d~ | 1~ | 1~ | 2

see attached picture.



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