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What is a voice context?

From: Carl Sorensen
Subject: What is a voice context?
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 04:07:00 +0000
User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/

So now I'm going to jump in on what I think a Voice context is.

A Voice context is a context, which means it can contain engravers,
performers, and music expressions.

It is a bottom context, which means it cannot contain other contexts.

By default, it contains engravers that create the following graphical
layout (as described in the Internals Reference):

This context creates the following layout object(s):
Arpeggio, Beam , BendAfter , BreathingSign , ClusterSpanner ,
ClusterSpannerBeacon , CombineTextScript , Dots ,DoublePercentRepeat ,
DoublePercentRepeatCounter , DoubleRepeatSlash , DynamicLineSpanner ,
DynamicText ,DynamicTextSpanner , Fingering , Flag , Glissando , Hairpin ,
InstrumentSwitch , LaissezVibrerTie , LaissezVibrerTieColumn
,LigatureBracket , MultiMeasureRest , MultiMeasureRestNumber ,
MultiMeasureRestText , NoteColumn , NoteHead , NoteSpacing ,PercentRepeat
, PercentRepeatCounter , PhrasingSlur , RepeatSlash , RepeatTie ,
RepeatTieColumn , Rest , Script , ScriptColumn , Slur ,Stem , StemStub ,
StemTremolo , StringNumber , StrokeFinger , TextScript , TextSpanner , Tie
, TieColumn , TrillPitchAccidental ,TrillPitchGroup , TrillPitchHead ,
TrillSpanner , TupletBracket , TupletNumber  and VoiceFollower.

Logically, a LilyPond voice matches almost perfectly with my conception of
a musical voice.

If I want to change the appearance of any of the layout objects (grobs)
specified above *for only this voice* I must change either the grob
properties associated with the grob or the context properties that affect
the grob in the Voice context.

If I want to change the appearance of the grobs for multiple Voices, I
must change the grob properties associated with the grob or the context
properties that affect the grob in a context that contains all the Voices
I wish to affect, e.g. a Staff, a StaffGroup, or a Score.

There are some specialized Voice contexts that are used for specialized
notation, e.g. TabVoice, MensuralVoice.

This understanding is enough for me to do what I want.

I'd be happy to try to answer any questions others might have about a



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