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change notehead side

From: Stephen MacNeil
Subject: change notehead side
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 11:48:02 -0400

I would like to change the notehead side -- I would prefer it default however a workaround is cool too.
I noticed you can do it with dotted

\override Staff.NoteCollision.prefer-dotted-right = ##f

however I would like to do it with none dotted - something like

\override Staff.NoteCollision.prefer-bottom-right = ##f

so I guess is there a better way?

anyway here is my solution as ugly as it is.


nh = {\once \override NoteHead.rotation = #'(.1 0 -380)

\once \override Stem.transparent = ##t

\once \override Flag.transparent = ##t


\relative c' {

\time 2/4

% default

<<{e,16 [<c'' bes>] g, [<c' bes>] d, [<c' bes>] c, [<c' bes>]}\\{e,,8 [g] d' c}>>

% my solution

<<{e,16 [c''] g, [c'] d, [c'] c, [c']}\\{s \nh bes!16 s \nh bes s \nh bes16 s \nh bes }\\{\voiceTwo e,,8 [g] d' c}>>




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