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Determine and output counter values at line breaks

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Determine and output counter values at line breaks
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 12:25:30 +0100
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Hi all,

I am thinking about the option to produce an intermediate output file during a LilyPond compilation. This should contain information on a number of counter values at all line breaks. Currently I see barnumbers (optionally measure position when the break is in mid-measure) and mark numbers, but there might be more.

The idea is that I'd like to try creating a set-up where I can ask LilyPond to only compile a given range of the score. For this I'd need to determine the points to set skipTypesetting commands and the data to set the counters. If combined with the system-wise output using lilypond-book-preamble or something derived from that I'm thinking if it's possible to create a music view interface that doesn't display pages but a series of systems, and where upon editing (usually) only one system has to be recompiled and the system replaced.

So, what I'd need for this is a hint where to start hooking into the compilation process to determine these counter values upon each line break.

I still don't have any clue about these things and still wait for someone writing a few nice tutorials on the blog, but I have the idea that engravers and listeners is where I should start looking.


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