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referencing and merging on the fly created staffs

From: Orm Finnendahl
Subject: referencing and merging on the fly created staffs
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:19:59 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)


 in the following example, an extra staff is created on the fly at two
non-adjacent times. Unfortunately the extra staffs are at different
vertical positions as they are considered different by lilypond. Is it
possible to reference the first extra staff by the second? I'm aware
that I could use stopStaff and startStaff but unfortunately the parts
are defined in different files and it would make the handling very


\version "2.19.5"

music={\relative c' {c4 d e f }}

\score {
    \new Staff = "violineeins"
        \music \\
        \new Staff="newstaff" \with  { alignBelowContext = "violineeins" }
        { \music }
    R1 R1
        \music \\
        \new Staff="newstaff" \with  { alignBelowContext = "violineeins" }
        { \music }
\layout {}
%\midi {}

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