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Re: Phrasing slurs across clefs

From: Urs Liska
Subject: Re: Phrasing slurs across clefs
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 11:25:41 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130803 Thunderbird/17.0.8

As David said the phrasing slur has to be shaped manually because LilyPond doesn't know how to handle that extreme situation. Insert the command as below:

Am 26.08.2013 07:11, schrieb Alexander Wallace:
right = \relative do' {
mi_\f-3^\( mi fa sol | sol fa mi re | do do re mi | mi4. re8 re2\) | \break
mi4^\( mi fa sol | sol fa mi re | do do re mi | re4. do8 do2\) | \break
re4_\mp-2^\( re\cresc mi do | re mi8 fa mi4 do\) | 

\shape PhrasingSlur #'((0 . 3)(4 . -1)(1 . 5)(0 . -3))

re^\( mi8 fa mi4 re | do4 re \change Staff = "left" \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down) <sol,-2>2 \)| \break
\change Staff = "right" mi'4_\f-3^( mi fa sol | sol fa mi re | do do re mi | re4. do8 do2) \bar "|."
This will considerably modify the phrasing slur. (Note that from version 2.17.4 on you'd have to write 'PhrasingSlur' after the bracket). Now tweak the numbers until you're satisfied.
The four inner brackets denote offsets to the four control points of the curve, the first and the last being the actual starting points.
Each pair consists of a horizontal and a vertical value. Be sure not to omit the spaces around the dot.


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