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System Vertical Spacing and Lyric Placement

From: Eric Pancer
Subject: System Vertical Spacing and Lyric Placement
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 16:19:16 -0500

I'm working on the following file but having some issues where
formatting tricks don't seem to be working. A couple of questions:

1. How can I increase the veritical space between the systems ? The
\paper configuration of "markup-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20"
doesn't seem to really help the situation.

2. How can I move my lyrics to be closer to the actual notes. I'd like
the top staff to have it's "lyrics" moved closer (as you can see when
compiled, the "o" (denoting open tones) are further away from the
notes than the other two instruments.

3. I've used \teeny in line 123 here, but it still doesn't make the
toml8 and ss8 small enough. Is there an easy fix?
           123     ss8 \teeny toml8 ss8 \normalsize toml4. |

Thanks in advance,

- Eric

%% $Id:,v 1.3 2013/07/09 21:00:57 eric Exp $
\version "2.16.1"
\header {
    title = "Agayú Chola"
    subtitle = \markup { \italic { \small { "from the Oru Contado" }}}
    instrument = ""
    arranger =  ""
    composer = ""
    tagline = ""
    copyright = "Copyright (c) 2013. All Rights Reserved."
\layout {
  \context {
      \override StaffGrouper #'staff-staff-spacing
      #'basic-distance = #12
\paper {
  markup-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20
  top-margin = 0.5\in
  indent = 2\cm
  bottom-margin = 1\in
  right-margin = 0.5\in
  left-margin = 0.5\in
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t

% main call-in to section 1
iyaCALLINr = \drummode {
  r4. r8 r8^\markup { \small { call } } toml8 |
  << ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
iyaCALLINt = \lyricmode {
  o \skip4 \skip8 o
itoCALLINr = \drummode {
  r2. |
  r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoCALLINt = \lyricmode {
  \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoCALLINr = \drummode {
  r2.^\markup { \tiny { [ 3-2 clavé ] }} |
  r4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoCALLINt = \lyricmode {
  o \skip4 o

% Section 1
iyaAr = \drummode {
    \repeat volta 2 {
    << ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
    << ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
    << ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
    << ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
iyaAt = \lyricmode {
    o \skip4 \skip8 o
    o \skip4 \skip8 o
    o \skip4 \skip8 o
    o \skip4 \skip8 o
itoAr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
    r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
    r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
    r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
    r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoAt = \lyricmode {
    \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
    \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
    \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
    \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoAr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
    ss4^\markup { \small { Section 1 } } toml8 ss4 toml8 |
    ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
    ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
    ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoAt = \lyricmode {
     \skip4 o \skip8 o
     \skip4 o \skip8 o
     \skip4 o \skip8 o
     \skip4 o \skip8 o

% Bridge measure to section 2 (needed to flip to 2-3 clave)
iyaXTRAar = \drummode {
    << ss4 toml4 >> ss4 r4 |
iyaXTRAat = \lyricmode {
    o \skip4
itoXTRAar = \drummode {
    r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoXTRAat = \lyricmode {
    \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoXTRAar = \drummode {
    ss4^\markup { \italic { \teeny { (extra bar to turn clavé) }}}
toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoXTRAat = \lyricmode {
  \skip4 o \skip4 o

% Section 2
iyaBr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
    ss8 \teeny toml8 ss8 \normalsize toml4. |
    r16 ss8. toml8 toml4. |
    ss4. r4 toml8 |
    << ss8 toml8 >> toml4 toml4 \parenthesize toml8 |
iyaBt = \lyricmode {
   s t t o
   s o o
   s o
   o o o o
itoBr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
    r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
    r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
    r8 ss8 toml8 << ss8 toml8 >> toml8 << ss8 toml8 >> |
    r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoBt = \lyricmode {
    \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
    \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
    \skip8 o o o o
    \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoBr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
    ss4^\markup { \small { Section 2 } } toml8 ss4 toml8 |
    ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
    ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
    ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoBt = \lyricmode {
     \skip4 o \skip8 o
     \skip4 o \skip8 o
     \skip4 o \skip8 o
     \skip4 o \skip8 o

% Bridge measure back to section 1 (needed to flip to 3-2 clave)
iyaXTRAbr = \drummode {
    << ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
iyaXTRAbt = \lyricmode {
    o \skip4 \skip8 o
itoXTRAbr = \drummode {
    r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoXTRAbt = \lyricmode {
    \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoXTRAbr = \drummode {
    ss4^\markup { \italic { \teeny { (back to 3-2 clavé) }}} toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoXTRAbt = \lyricmode {
  \skip4 o \skip4 o

% layout the score
\score {
  \new StaffGroup = "main" <<
    \time 6/8
    \new DrumStaff = oconcolo <<
      \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Okónkolo"
        \new DrumVoice = oconcolo {
        \new Lyrics \with  { fontSize = #-2  }
        \lyricsto oconcolo {
    \new DrumStaff = itotele <<
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Itótele"
        \new DrumVoice = itotele {
        \new Lyrics \with { fontSize = #-2 }
        \lyricsto itotele {
    \new DrumStaff = iya <<
        \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Iyá"
        \new DrumVoice = iya {
        \new Lyrics \with { fontSize = #-2 }
        \lyricsto iya {
% set ts=4

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