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Gregorian: modern staff? Lyrics spacing?

From: Frank Steinmetzger
Subject: Gregorian: modern staff? Lyrics spacing?
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 22:37:31 +0200
User-agent: Mutt 1.5.21 (2010-09-15, Gentoo 1.5.21-r12)

Dear list

I'm dealing with Gregorian notation for the first time by reproducing a Schütz
piece from IMSLP¹.  After digging through the docs, I managed to solve most of
the hurdles that I came across by myself.

I'm almost finished and only need your advice for two things. Please see
attached a screenie crop of the original and of what I achieved so far.

My issues are:

1) Is there a way to have a „modern“ staff (i.e. 5 lines)? It would help the
   choir pick up their pitch from the chant if they see familiar notation.

2) I applied the docs’ snippet on vertical lyrics spacing to get the lyrics
   closer to the staff. The page is rather crowded, every millimetre would
   help. But it doesn’t seem to have any effect. What am I missing?

Here is my code for the Intonatio line (don't mind the different clef):

\version "2.16"
\language deutsch
\score {
  \new VaticanaStaff \with {
    % has no effect for the padding to the lyrics
    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(0 . 1)
  } {
    \set VaticanaStaff.instrumentName = "Intonatio"
    \new VaticanaVoice = "Intonatio" \relative c'' {
      \clef treble
      \key f\major
%     \[ a4 \melisma \pes b \melismaEnd \]
      \[ a4 \melisma b \melismaEnd \]
      \[ a \melisma d \melismaEnd \]
      d d d
      \[ d \melisma c \melismaEnd \]
      \[ d \melisma e \melismaEnd \]
      \[ d \melisma e c \melismaEnd \]
      d \fermata
  \new Lyrics \with {
    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-0 . 0)
  } \lyricsto "Intonatio" {
    Herr, nun läs -- sest du dei -- nen Die -- ner
} % score
} % markup

Thanks a lot for removing the tomatoes from my eyes.

  Scores and Parts → the third item:
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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“What is your fascination with my forbidden closet of mystery?” – Chief Wiggum

Attachment: gregorian-attempt.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: gregorian-original.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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