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Re: Bar lines

From: Janek Warchoł
Subject: Re: Bar lines
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 07:21:44 +0100


On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Werner LEMBERG <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> I really would not like to have to tell LilyPond for every single
>>> fragment to not use a final bar line.
>> Could you explain what you didn't like in my suggestion that said "if
>> the music is more than 3 bars long, use a "|." barline; if it's 3 or
>> less use a "|" barline"?  I think that it quite nicely addresses the
>> problem you pointed out above.
> It's unnatural for me.  To properly support it, we had to introduce a
> property, say, `numbers-of-bars-triggering-thick-barline'.  But as
> soon as we need a property, it makes much more sense to me to have a
> different one, namely `end-bar', which tells LilyPond which bar line to
> use at the end of a piece.

To be absolutely clear: i want both an 'end-bar' property and the
thing mentioned above.
To put it differently: i suggest to have an 'end-bar' property and set
its default value to a function which returns "|." for longer music
and "|" for shorter, while allowing user to set the value to something
else he wants.
An example of very similar design that is currently implemented: there
is a property ragged-right, which default value is ##t for music that
is 1 system long, and ##f for longer music.  The idea is precisely the
same as mine: normally all music should have systems justified to fit
the page width, but for the sake of snippets in music theory works
(e.g. Lily docs) this shouldn't be done when the score is really

Is my explanation clear?


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