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Re: use guile to set specific extra-offset values if stem direction is u

From: padovani
Subject: Re: use guile to set specific extra-offset values if stem direction is up or down
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 12:20:32 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:12.0) Gecko/20120428 Thunderbird/12.0.1

Em 5/21/12 11:44 AM, David Nalesnik escreveu:
   \override Stem #'extra-offset =
     #(lambda (grob) (if (eqv? (ly:stem::calc-direction grob) UP)
'(-0.02 . -0.25) '(0.02 . 0.25)))

Hello David,

thank you very much!

Now I see that ly:stem::calc-direction only gives me the standard Stem direction, but if I am using some \stemDown or \stemUp before the note, the lambda function will ignore the actual direction of the Stem and adjust stem offsets accordingly to the standard direction.

Do you (or anybody else) know a way to access the actual direction of the Stem?

Thank you again!



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