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Re: Lilypond to xml -singing voice festival

From: fresco
Subject: Re: Lilypond to xml -singing voice festival
Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 15:04:15 -0700 (PDT)

David Kastrup wrote:
> fresco <address@hidden> writes:
>>> But when I try to insert:
>>> \include ""
>>> #(set! song:*debug* #f)
>>> \festival #"bach-präl.xml" { \tempo 4 = 100 }
>>> into another file (see text below), I get error messages like:
>>> "/usr/share/lilypond/2.12.3/ly/ Fehler: syntax error,
>>> unexpected SCM_TOKEN"
> That is an error message when reading, so it would appear
> that you are reading at a nonsensical place or, less likely,
> with an incompatible version of LilyPond.  Since you don't actually
> quote the resulting file after your changes, it is impossible to guess
> more than that.
> -- 
> David Kastrup
> Thank you for replying!
> The following text is a midi-file imported into the lilypond-format
> (
> <code>
> \version "2.12.3-7"
> \header {
> }
> #(set-default-paper-size "a4")
> StaffAVoiceA = \relative c' {
>        e4  a  a8  gis  fis4 | % 2
>        e  e  e  cis | % 3
>        d  d  fis  fis | % 4
>        e  gis  a2 | % 5
>        e4  a  a8  gis  fis4 | % 6
>        e  e  e  cis | % 7
>        d  d  fis  fis | % 8
>        e  gis  a2 | % 9
>        e  d' | % 10
>        cis4  a  cis2 | % 11
>        b4  b8  b  gis4  e | % 12
>        a  cis  e2 | % 13
>        e,  d' | % 14
>        cis4  a  cis2 | % 15
>        b4  b8  b  gis4  e | % 16
>        a2 r2  | % 17
> }
> StaffA = \new Staff \relative c' { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Inst 1
> "\clef treble \time 4/4
>       <<
>               \new Voice = "one" { \StaffAVoiceA } 
>       >>
> }
> \score {
>       <<
>       \StaffA
>       >>
>       \layout { }
> }
> <code end>

So, the first stanza of the lyrics, I wanted to insert, is:

Es zogen einst fünf wilde Schwäne,
Schwäne leuchtend weiß und schön..etc.

My question is:

Where and how can I place  \addlyrics
and the
\include "" 
>> #(set! song:*debug* #f) 
>> \festival #"test.xml" { \tempo 4 = 100 } 

I do not know, if it is possible to create an .xml in this way, i.e. by
a regular midi-file.

By the way, I just want to use the singing voices for my animations with
main actor Tux.

Kind regards,

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