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How to prevent Lilypond from cutting off markup?

From: Tobias Leupold
Subject: How to prevent Lilypond from cutting off markup?
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2012 12:08:09 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.7 (Linux/3.1.6-gentoo; KDE/4.7.3; x86_64; ; )

Hi there :-)

I have a quite basic problem that could not be solved by the forums. By 
default, markup that is set close to the right page margin is simply cut off. 
For example:

\relative c' {
c4 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c ^\markup { \large \bold "Abgeschnitten" }
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

Can one prevent Lilypond from cutting off the markup? One suggestion from the 
forums was to do something like that:

\relative c' {
\override TextScript #'self-alignment-X = #0.7
c4 c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
c ^\markup { \large \bold "Abgeschnitten" }
c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c

Doing so, the markup actually ends with the end of the line, but the 
horizontal correlation is lost – it doesn't start at the note where it should 
start anymore.

I think a convient way to typeset the above code would be simply to let the 
line end before the markup command and start the markup in the next one. Then, 
it wouldn't be cut off.
But the only way I see to do this is to manually set a \break, which is not 
nice at all. Can this be done in an automated way?

Greetings, Tobias

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