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Re: Chord from a variable

From: Volker Paul
Subject: Re: Chord from a variable
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 20:14:29 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/2.6.34-020634-generic; KDE/4.4.5; i686; ; )

> > How can I get a chord from a variable?
> v = \chordmode { c }
The task is not to put a chord INTO a variable, but
to get it FROM a variable. \chordmode's argument
should be a variable (as in my example), and
\chordmode should generate its output, a chord,
from this variable.

> Probably because
> v = { c }
> is the same as
> v = \notemode { c }
Ok, that sounds reasonable. I tested that with:
\chordmode { \notemode { c } }
which gives the same result as 
v = { c }
\chordmode { \v }

> > Why is this result one octave deeper?
> That's the correct pitch for such a note unless it's in a \relative
> block with a different octave for the start pitch.
Then I must ask the other way:
Why is the c in the chord one octave higher?
I.e., why is the c in \chordmode { c } interpreted as c'?

> unless you force a mode change when defining the variable.
Is there such a thing as forcing a mode change when READING the variable?
Or is there another function that builds a chord on a 
note stored in a variable?



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