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Vertical dashed line conecting notes

From: Caio Barros
Subject: Vertical dashed line conecting notes
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 12:12:57 -0300

I'm writing a composition with two unmeasured staffs and I want to draw a vertical dashed line that indicates when the notes sound together.
I've tried something like that:

\version "2.12.1"
\relative c' {
  { c_\markup { \draw-line #'(0 . 9)  } }
  { a }

but as you can see there are some problems:
- the line doesn't draw itself at the middle of the notehead
- the botton staff moves itself lower so the line does not colide. (I want it do colide!)
- I don't know how to draw a dashed line with the \draw-line command ;)

Is there a way to tweak this, or maybe is better to use another code?

Thank you
Caio Barros

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