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Re: Multi-Measure Rests: Adding to what gets printed?

From: Alexander Kobel
Subject: Re: Multi-Measure Rests: Adding to what gets printed?
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 03:18:35 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

rasAK wrote:
In my orchestral parts, I would like Multi-Measure Rests to have both:
(1) an integer representing the number of measures in the current MMR,
centered above (default behavior)
(2) a second text indicating which measures are included in the given MMR,
in parentheses and centered BELOW the MMR.

(1) happens automatically.  (2) is what I don't know how to do.

Hi, Randy, includes what you're after, just that it writes a bar number on every single measure by default. But in principle you can copy most of the overrides concerning MultiMeasureRestNumbers from BarNumberStaff into a second voice (for (2)), which shares but the MMRs with your given voices (which do (1)).

To add the parentheses, replace lines 99 to 102 by:
   (if (= start-measure end-measure)
(string-append "(" (number->string start-measure) ")") ;; or only "" in this line if you don't want single bars numbered at all
"(" (number->string start-measure) " – " (number->string end-measure) ")"))))

If you just want to plug in a BarNumberStaff as shown in the LSR snippet, you just have to write "" in line 100, as stated above, and you're basically done, since single measures won't have a visible BarNumber text in this case.

As an additional wrinkle, if Rehearsal Letter "A" happened to fall at mm. 9,
Example 1b should output 2 MMRs ( |--4--| and |--6--|) with "( 4 - 7 )" and
"( 8 - 13 )" below.

Sorry, no idea on this one.


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