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Re: Incorrect Lilypond version

From: Patrick Horgan
Subject: Re: Incorrect Lilypond version
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 15:28:24 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Federico Bruni wrote:
...elision by patrick...

I've often wondered why, even though I have a version of LilyPond installed from repository (therefore located in /usr/bin), when I install a package of a new version that version becomes the default in the environment.

For example now:
address@hidden:~$ which lilypond

What kind of trick is this?
It's your PATH.  The PATH is how unix/linux finds things.  If you type:

echo $PATH

you'll see that either ~/bin, or /home/fede/bin, comes before /usr/bin. They're searched in the order they occur in your PATH. If you'd like it to be different, find the file that sets it when you log in. It will be something like .bashrc or .bash_profile or .profile. Edit that file and change the order of things, (or add too), your PATH.


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