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Re: [Issue?] hiding Accidental(s) on tied note(s) after a line break

From: Jonathan Wilkes
Subject: Re: [Issue?] hiding Accidental(s) on tied note(s) after a line break
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 22:21:04 -0700 (PDT)

--- On Sat, 10/3/09, David Nalesnik <address@hidden> wrote:

> From: David Nalesnik <address@hidden>
> Subject: Re: [Issue?] hiding Accidental(s) on tied note(s) after a line break
> To: "Joe Neeman" <address@hidden>
> Cc: "Jonathan Wilkes" <address@hidden>, "lilypond-user" <address@hidden>
> Date: Saturday, October 3, 2009, 5:46 AM
> Hi,
> According to Gardner Read: "It is not
> necessary to repeat the accidental before a tied note . . .
> The one exception to this general rule occurs when the note
> or notes affected by the accidental and tied over the
> barline come at the end of a system or at the bottom of the
> page.  It is helpful to the performer if the accidental is
> repeated . . . " (Music Notation, p.131)
> I know I have spent a lot of time adding these
> accidentals in Finale (and redoing them whenever the layout
> changed), and I very much appreciate that 2.12.2 takes care
> of them automatically!

Hi David,

Thanks for that quote; I don't currently have access to Read's manual.

Well, I still have my Beethoven sonatas out from my last posting on here, 
and those tied accidentals after line breaks are a lot more common than 
I thought.  In the Schenker edition, they're inconsistent: sometimes an 
accidental is parenthesized, sometimes its suppressed, but more often 
than not they're there.  In Henle they seem to always be printed (and 

However, I've got a Peters edition score where they're always suppressed (it's 
also a modern score, and I wonder if that's where the difference 
stems from).

Here's an idea: how about just showing the behavior of 
'hide-tied-accidental-after-break in NR 1.1.1, under the heading 
"Accidentals", in the example that follows this sentence:
"Accidentals on tied notes are only printed at the beginning of a new system.  
[add this] These accidentals may also be suppressed."

[see attached]

Currently, 'hide-tied-accidental-after-break is only listed in NR A.14. In 
fact, I remember seeing it there when I was entering a score, and 
spending 10 very confused minutes trying to figure out why the heck 
\override Tie #'hide-tied-accidental-after-break = ##t wouldn't work!  
(Yes, I know it's a property of Accidental now).



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