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Re: Head of merged half note getting filled

From: Robin Bannister
Subject: Re: Head of merged half note getting filled
Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 11:48:59 +0200

Nick Payne wrote:
If I have one note each bar that requires a direction change, then it's actually simpler to use the \once command,as \stemUp requires the corresponding \stemDown or \stemNeutral after the note.

I found it quite a disappoinment to discover that apparently similar things like \once and \stemUp don't mix syntaxwise. It is a private grumble of mine that Lilypond uses (the singular) \stemUp for the general case, leaving no terse name for \once-defines like these. It is interesting to note that the Guido notation [1] says \stemsUp. Is this notation related to Lilypond in some way?

With 2.12 you no longer need these shortcuts for Tie and Slur (and PhrasingSlur), e.g. onceSlurDown is now done by the very elegant _(



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