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(simulating) a spanner with multiple "stops"

From: Wilbert Berendsen
Subject: (simulating) a spanner with multiple "stops"
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 00:09:01 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.11.1 (Linux/2.6.28-8-generic; KDE/4.2.1; i686; ; )


I try to write something like:

poco . . . . . a . . . . . . poco . . . . . . descresc.

ideally it would be one spanner with on two places some text displaying (and 
hiding the dashes). What would be a strategy?

Currently I use two spanners, one for 'poco' til the 'other' (but ending in 
empty text). The other starts with the second 'poco' and ends in the 
'decresc.'. The 'a' is just printed somewhere in between.

Are there better tricks I'm not aware of?

thanks and best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE:

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