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Re: Bug with missing 16th lines

From: Kieren MacMillan
Subject: Re: Bug with missing 16th lines
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 15:10:53 -0500

Hi Maarten,

I'm posting this bug here

Not sure this can really be called a "bug"… your input syntax is somewhat confusing. In particular, it looks like you want polyphony, but aren't actually coding polyphonic voices (which would require a \\).

Here is a possible modification which is actually valid polyphonic syntax:

\version "2.12"

\paper {
  ragged-right = ##t

        \new Staff
                \set Staff.instrumentName = "Strange things"  
                \relative c''
                        {       \voiceOne
                                as2 ~ as2
                        }  \\
                        {       \voiceTwo
                                fis16 e16 d16 e16 ~ e4 ~ e2

Hope this helps!

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