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My solution to rhythmic slashes and midi playback

From: Brian
Subject: My solution to rhythmic slashes and midi playback
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 06:15:02 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Wanted to make a post after finding a good way to tackle rhythmic slashes in
song without having the midi catch it on the playback:


slashon = { \override Staff.Rest #'style = #'slash
        \override Staff.Rest #'glyph-name = "2slash"
        \override Staff.Rest #'stencil = #ly:note-head::print }

slashoff = { \revert Staff.Rest #'style
        \revert Staff.Rest #'glyph-name
        \revert Staff.Rest #'stencil }

slashheadon = { \override NoteHead  #'style = #'slash
                \set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #0 }

slashheadoff = { \revert NoteHead #'style 
                \set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = #5 }

dynamicson = { \override Score.DynamicText #'transparent = ##f }
dynamicsoff = { \override Score.DynamicText #'transparent = ##t }


I use the slashon\off for pure quarter rest slashes that won't jump around when
transposing. This is for your basic improv section in a jazz chart. I got this
one from,address@hidden
. But for the times when I like to notate specific rhythms with rhythmic slash
NOTEHEADS while still not having the midi catch it, I'll use the slashheadon/off
just before the slashes start. You kick in the midivolume=0 by using a dynamic
of any type. So the section will look like this:

{ c8 c c c c c c c
\slashon r4 r4 r4 r4 \slashoff
  \slashheadon \dynamicsoff r4\f r b8 b b4
  \slashheadoff c8\f \dynamicson c c c c c c c

Hope this helps somebody, I've been trying to get a system going for my slashes
and finally found something that works!


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