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Re: staff collision because of a postscript line

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: staff collision because of a postscript line
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2009 11:45:32 -0000


You could invert the order of the pedal
indication and dynamics with 'outside-staff-priority
and then move the dynamics grobs with 'extra-offset
so the beat indicator falls in the gap.


\once \override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner #'outside-staff-priority = #200
\once \override DynamicText #'extra-offset = #'(-1.5 . 0)


but it's a bit messy.  I don't think there is any
automatic way of avoiding collisions with postscript


----- Original Message ----- From: "Stefan Thomas" <address@hidden>
To: "lilypond-user" <address@hidden>
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 8:33 AM
Subject: staff collision because of a postscript line

Dear Lilypond-users,
in the below quoted snippet I get a collision between the two staves.
Is there a possibilitie to avoid automatically this collision, without
increasing the distace between the two staves generally?
Here is the snippet:

\version "2.12.0"
%%some definitions
 onBeat = \markup { \postscript #"
   0.1     setlinewidth
   0.5 4   moveto
   0.5 0   lineto
   0.2 0.6 lineto
   0.5 0   moveto
   0.8 0.6 lineto
   0.5 4   moveto
   3.5 4 lineto
   standardped = { \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket #'style =
#'bracket \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed }
   smaller = {\set fontSize = #-3 \override DynamicText #'font-size =
#+3 \override TextSpanner
     #'font-size = #+3 } %noten so schnell wie moeglich; Dynamik und
TextSpanner normale Groesse
     % das habe ich bisher noch nicht benutzt
     normal = {\unset fontSize \revert DynamicText #'font-size
\revert TextSpanner #'font-size } % Noten und Dynamik normale Groesse!

     %%%%%             the music itself

     UpStaff = \new Staff \relative c {
       \clef bass  \scaleDurations #'(32 . 35) { \standardped
       \smaller f32[\f\>^\onBeat \sustainOn g e] \normal dis1
\sustainOff \p } }

     DownStaff = \new  Staff \relative c { \clef bass
\scaleDurations #'(32 . 36) { \standardped
       \smaller a32 [ \sustainOn \f \>^\onBeat c cis d ]  \normal es1
\sustainOff } }

     \score { << \UpStaff
       \DownStaff >> }

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