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Re: Lilypond - 2 voices in 1 score - cannot add lyrics

From: Trevor Daniels
Subject: Re: Lilypond - 2 voices in 1 score - cannot add lyrics
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2008 17:05:33 +0100


I don't think this is the problem, as it persists
even when I know the quotes are straight.  It is
usually best to avoid the << \\ >> construct when
trying to attach lyrics.  You will find this
construct works better:

\score {
    \new Staff <<
    \time 4/4
    \key c \major
    \clef "G_8"
    \new Voice = "StimmeI" \StimmeI
    \new Voice = "StimmeII" \StimmeII
    r4 s4
    \bar "|."
    \context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricsto "StimmeI" \lyricmode { \verseI }
\context Lyrics = "StropheII" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseII } \context Lyrics = "StropheIII" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseIII }


----- Original Message ----- From: "Mats Bengtsson" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Cc: <address@hidden>
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: Lilypond - 2 voices in 1 score - cannot add lyrics

Sorry, my fingers slipped. Here comes the full answer.

Make sure that you don't use any curled double quotes in your file. If
you copied the solution by hand, it may help to use copy/paste from the
email into your text editor to avoid that it inserts some fancy version
of the double quotes instead of the plain ones.


address@hidden wrote:

but the problem still exists

StimmeI = \new Voice = "StimmeI"
\relative c {

StimmeII = \new Voice = "StimmeII"
\relative c {

%lilypond %args "D:\Noten\Stimme\"
»D:/Noten/Stimme/« wird verarbeitet
Interpretation der Musik...
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: Stimme kann nicht gefunden werden: »StimmeI«
\context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseI }
Interpretation der Musik...[8]
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: Stimme kann nicht gefunden werden: »StimmeI«
\context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseI }
Vorverarbeitung der grafischen Elemente...
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten werden
a2 g4 g4 |
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten werden
a2 g4 g4 |
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten werden
        a2 g4 g4 |
D:/Noten/Stimme/ Warnung: zu viele kollidierende Notenspalten werden
f4. f8 e8. e16 f8 g8 |

Regards, Frank

You have to name the voice StimmeI and StimmeII. Try StimmeI = \new Voice = "StimmeI" \relative c { music } and StimmeII = \new Voice = "StimmeII" \relative c' { music }
Am 17.10.2008 um 16:52 schrieb address@hidden:


when I put 2 voices into 1 staff I cannot add lyrics.

Console-Error-Message is (backtranslatet from german):
\context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode {
    ->   \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseI }   StimmeI not found

What I'm doing wrong?

This is complete example:

\version "2.10.33"

\header {
title = "Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen"
subtitle = "(J.von Eichendorff,1788-1857)"
composer = "Th.Fröhlich (1803-1834)"
tagline = "F.W. SAV Eningen 20081016"

\include ""

verseI= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1." Wem Gott will rech -- te Gunst er -- wei -- sen,
den schickt er in die wei -- te Welt;
dem will er sei -- ne Wun -- der wei -- sen
in Berg und Wald und Strom und Feld.

verseII= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "2."
Die Bäch -- lein von den Ber -- gen sprin -- gen,
die Ler -- chen schwir -- ren hoch vor Lust,
was sollt' ich nicht mit ih -- nen sin -- gen
aus vol -- ler Kehl und fri -- scher Brust?


verseIII= \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "3."
Den lie -- ben Gott laß ich nur wal -- ten,
der Bäch -- lein, Ler -- chen, Wald und Feld
und Erd' und Him -- mel will er -- hal -- ten,
hat auch mein' Sach' aufs best' be -- stellt.

StimmeI =
      \relative c {
       s2. c4 |
       e g c8. h16 c8 a8 |
       g2 e4 g4 |
       f8. e16 f8 d8 e4 c |
       d2 r4 d8 ~ e8 |
       f4. f8 e8. e16 f8 g8 |
       a2 g4 g4 |
       c8. h16 c8 d8 e4 d4 |

StimmeII =
     \relative c' {
       s2. c,4 |
       c e a8. gis16 a8 f8 |
       e2 c4 e4 |
       d8. cis16 d8 h8 c4 c|
       h2 r4 h8 ~ c8 |
       d4. d8 c8. c16 d8 e8 |
       f2 e4 g4 |
       e8. d16 e8 f8 g4 f4 |

\score {
    \new Staff {
    \time 4/4
    \key c \major
    \clef "G_8"
    << \StimmeI \\ \StimmeII >>
    r4 s4
\bar "|." \context Lyrics = "StropheI" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseI } \context Lyrics = "StropheII" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseII } \context Lyrics = "StropheIII" \lyricmode { \lyricsto "StimmeI" \verseIII }

\midi {

\layout  {

\paper {

Regards, Frank

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Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
School of Electrical Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
Email: address@hidden

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