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Re: a snippet

From: James E. Bailey
Subject: Re: a snippet
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 19:01:46 +0200

As for problems, I went to the lilypond snippet database, and after logging in there was no "new entry" button, so that's as far as I got. As for a title, "2-staff choral template with lyrics centered and above and below each staff" I think expresses succinctly what it is. As for a description, "Occasionally it is necessary in a mostly homophonic choral work to have a section that is polyphonic in nature, at least, where the voices don't all sing the same text at the same for a portion. This snippet demonstrates how to have text centered between four voices on two staves, and then how to have each voice have its own text."

Am 22.04.2008 um 17:50 schrieb Valentin Villenave:

2008/4/22 James E. Bailey <address@hidden>:
I wanted to submit a snippet for the LSR, but that didn't work out so well

What problems did you encounter?

Can you provide us with a title and description for your snippet?


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