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Re: Dot Staccato x Slur

From: Neil Puttock
Subject: Re: Dot Staccato x Slur
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 01:35:05 +0000

Hi Zenith,

Valentin's right that there's no bug here - the culprit in your file
is the rather innocent looking (but deadly) line \override Script
#'padding = #0 which you're using after tweaking the padding on the

Fermatas and staccato dots are both Script objects, so you need to be
careful when overriding properties.  If you take a peek in your
LilyPond installation at the file
usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/script.scm, you'll find that the
default padding for script objects is 0.20 staff spaces, so you can
see why setting #'padding = #0 doesn't result in a return to the
default setting.

Since you only want the padding to apply to each fermata, you should
use \once with your override. I'd suggest reading through section
4.1.4, "Tweaking methods", in the Learning Manual if you're unsure
about the use of \override and \revert.

Here's your file with the corrections applied:

\version "2.11.41"

#(set-default-paper-size "a4")
% \markup { \dynamic \small p \small \italic grazioso }
% pg = #(make-dynamic-script "p grazioso")
  line-width = 19\cm

\header {
title = "Thème et Variations"
subtitle = \markup { \lower #1.0 \small "EN LA MINEUR" }
composer = "NEPOMUCENO, Alberto"
opus = \markup {\italic "Op." "28" }
poet = "A Arthur Napoleão"
 cima = {

% 1a. linha
<c e>8^\markup{\hspace #-4.0 "Allegretto" }\p(  <a c>_\markup{ \italic \small
\halign #-0.6 "grazioso"} \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
<c e>8(  <a c> \stemDown <gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
<a a'>8\<\( <b b'> <c c'> <d d'> <e e'> <f f'>\!
\times 2/3 { <g g'>\f <f f'> <e e'>\)} \once \override Script #'padding = #1 <e
e'>2\fermata \break

% 2a. linha
<c e>8\p(  <a c> \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
<c e>8(  <a c> \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
<a a'>8\<\( <b b'> <c c'> <d d'> <e e'> <f f'>\!
\times 2/3 { <g g'>\f <f f'> <e e'>\)} \once \override Script #'padding = #1 <e
e'>2\fermata \bar "||" \break

% 3a. linha
\bar "|:" <a f a,>8\p\( <f d f,> \stemDown <e cis e,>4^.\) <e cis e,>^.
<a' f a,>8\( <f d f,> <e cis e,>4^.\) <e cis e,>^.
<g, e g,>8\( <e c e,> <d b d,>4^.\) <d b d,>^.
<g' e g,>8\( <e c e,> <d b d,>4^.\) <d b d,>^.
<ais, cis>8\>( <cis e> <b d>4^.) <gis b>8( <b d>\! \break

% 4.a linha
<a c>4^.)

baixo =
% 1a. linha
<c e>8(  <a c> \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
<c e>8( <a c>  \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
a8\( b c d e f
\times 2/3 { g f e\)} \once \override Script #'padding = #1 e2\fermata  \break

% 2a. linha
<c e>8( <a c>  \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
<c e>8( <a c>  \stemDown < gis b>4-.) <gis b>-. \stemNeutral
a8\( b c d e f
\times 2/3 { g f e\)} \once \override Script #'padding = #1 e2\fermata
\bar "||" \break

% 3a. linha
\bar "|:" \stemDown <f, a>8\( <d f> <cis e>4^.\) <cis e>^.
<f a>8\( <d f> <cis e>4^.\) <cis e>^.
<e g>8\( <c e> <b d>4^.\) <b d>^.
<e g>8\( <c e> <b d>4^.\) <b d>^.
fis''( b,^.) e( \stemNeutral \break

% 4a. linha

 melodia = \new Staff { \relative c'' { \cima } }
harmonia = \new Staff { \clef bass \time 3/4 \relative c' { \baixo } }

  \new PianoStaff << \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "PIANO " \melodia
\harmonia >>


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