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right-hand fingering emacs function

From: Arjan Bos
Subject: right-hand fingering emacs function
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 20:45:14 +0100

Hi list,

For all those users of the One True Editor ;-) that use right-hand fingering in their guitar notation, I've written a small bit of elisp that saves me a lot of typing. Just select the region it should work on and use M-x lilypond-right-hand-fingering.

(defun lilypond-right-hand-fingering (beg end)
  "Lilypond function to update notes to include fingering
It supposes that you've included #(define RH rightHandFinger) to
make RH as a shorthand for rightHandFinger.
This function inserts always the value #3 which can then easily
be changed manually to the correct one."
  (interactive "*r")
  (when (> beg end)
    (let (mid)
      (setq mid beg
            beg end
            end mid)))
(replace-regexp "\\([a-g]\\(is\\|es\\)?[',]?\\)" "<\\1-\\\\RH #3 >" nil beg end))

I know that it is bad form to use (replace-regexp) but I'm to lazy to do anything about it. Let the computer waste those cycles, not me :-)


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