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Barcheck and TrillSpan

From: Palmer, Ralph
Subject: Barcheck and TrillSpan
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 08:45:40 -0400

Greetings -

I'm getting there, and I'd like to thank all of you for the wonderful
program and all the help!

I'm running LilyPond 2.11.23 under Windows XP SP2.

I'm including a snippet and the log from running the snippet. I'm using
a silent note (space holder?) to allow a different clef cue at the
beginning of the piece, and it is causing a barcheck failure. The
failure doesn't seem to produce any other problems, so should I just
ignore it? Or is there a better structure to use to get my intended
result? Also, I'm trying to get "tr" plus the wavy line for the length
of the dotted quarter note. I can't seem to get it to work. Perhaps I'm
wrong in believing that the trill should be for just the length of the
dotted quarter; is it standard practice to have the trill indication
last through the "turn" at the end of the trill? Even if that is the
case, why doesn't my setup work?

Here's the snippet, followed by the log:

%%%%%%%%%%   Begin Snippet   %%%%%%%%%%

\version "2.11.23"
\include ""

AoFIIIvcl = {
        \key d \minor
        \clef "F"
        \time 2/2

        \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-align-symbols =
        \mark \markup {\teeny \note #"4" #1 \teeny {" = 92 - 100"} }
        \set Score.skipBars = ##f

        \once\override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(7.0 . -1.3)
        \clef alto

        << {
        R1*9/10 |
        } \\ {
        \set fontSize = #-3
        d'2*4/5_"Vla" a2 |
        } >>
        \clef bass

%Measure 27
        fs4.*9/10\<\startTrillSpan( s4.*1/10\stopTrillSpan e16\!\> fs)
g8\!( f e d) |
        cs4.*9/10\<\startTrillSpan( s4.*1/10\stopTrillSpan b,16\!\> cs)
d8\!( c b, a,) |
        gs,4 gs a a,8( b,) |

        \bar "|."


\score {

%%%%%%%%%%   End Snippet   %%%%%%%%%

++++++ Start of log +++++

# -*-compilation-*-
Changing working directory to: `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My
Documents/Ralph/Sheet Music/LilyPond/Test'
Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet
Interpreting music... 
C:/Documents and Settings/rpalmer/My Documents/Ralph/Sheet
Music/LilyPond/Test/ warning: barcheck failed at: 1/10
        R1*9/10 | Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -1.#IND00 staff space
Setting to zero.
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -1.#IND00 staff space
Setting to zero.
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -1.#IND00 staff space
Setting to zero.
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Improbable offset for stencil: -1.#IND00 staff space
Setting to zero.
continuing, cross fingers
Layout output to `'...
warning: Found infinity or nan in output. Substituting 0.0
warning: Found infinity or nan in output. Substituting 0.0
Converting to `Test.pdf'...

+++++ end of log +++++++++

Thanks again for you time and attention,

Ralph Palmer, CEM
Energy/Administrative Coordinator
Keene State College
Keene, NH 03435-2502
Phone: 603-358-2230
Cell: 603-209-2903
Fax: 603-358-2456

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