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How to bring two staves close enough together to allow for overprint?

From: Trevor Bača
Subject: How to bring two staves close enough together to allow for overprint?
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 07:52:43 -0500


In the following snippet I want the two staves to be exactly 5 staff
spaces apart even though this will cause the g'4 in the bass to
overprint the c'4 in the treble. But it doesn't work.

%%% BEGIN %%%

\version "2.11.20"

\new GrandStaff <<
  \new Staff \with {
     \override VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = ##f
  } { c'4 }
  \new Staff \with {
     \override VerticalAxisGroup #'Y-extent = ##f
  } {
     \clef bass
     \overrideProperty "Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn"
     #'line-break-system-details #'((alignment-offsets . (0 . 5)))

%%% END %%%

What are the correct settings to *absolutely guarantee* that the two
staves are 5 staff spaces apart (regardless of the musical content of
the staves ... thereby allowing for overprint)?

Trevor Bača

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