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Re: Can you put dynamic marks in the lyrics?

From: Sietse Brouwer
Subject: Re: Can you put dynamic marks in the lyrics?
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 16:59:09 +0100

Hullo Kieren,

Sietse Brouwer wrote:
> Is it at all possible to call a dynamics mark inside \lyricmode, so
> I can do something like \set stanza = "\f 1." ?

Kieren MacMillan replied:
I think
     \dynamics f 1.
will work.

Thanks; I just tried it --- it doesn't work. That is, it works in
\lyricmode, but not for stanzas. You see, it has to be be enclosed in
\markup. But \set stanza = "" requires a string as an argument. As far
as I can tell, there is no way to make it accept a markup block

I've worked around it by attaching dynamics marks to the first two
notes, and overriding their extra-offset. It's an ugly, ugly, hack,
but like all good ugly hacks, it works.


Sietse Brouwer

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