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Generating small fragments to be embedded into latex

From: Davide Benini
Subject: Generating small fragments to be embedded into latex
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 23:31:33 +0100

Hello folks.
I am completing a PhD thesis in LaTeX; I need to embed some fragments of music; actually, at this stage I am using notes to show a prosodic rhythm, and make acomparison with music.
Here is a sample, a snapshot from a Word draft:

As you see, I need to put just the notes; I guess this could be done in Lilypond through the use of the Rhythmic staff.
Here is what I've done so far:

\version "2.8.6"

\new RhythmicStaff {
      \time 12/8
    \partial 8
        d8 d4 d8 d4 d8 d4 d8 d8 d8 d8  d4 d8 d4 d8 d4
\addlyrics{ Some TIME She USED to PUT me THROUGH the re SPON se sof the MASS }

Still, I have a number of problem.
1) I'd like to generate a 'small' pdf, to be embedded in a text, rather than a regular page
2) I's like to eliminate the 'made with lilypond' text
3) Possibly, I'd like to make the rhythmic staff and the key transparent
4) I'd like to stretch the width of the staff, that is, not as large as the page (some fragments are very short)

Can you help with any of these points?
Thanks a lot in advance,

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