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Re: OS X question about Apple's Preview

From: Trevor Bača
Subject: Re: OS X question about Apple's Preview
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 15:11:14 -0600

On 12/7/06, Trevor Bača <address@hidden> wrote:

Not a direct Lily question, but useful nonetheless:

Any OS X folks know how to tell Apple's Preview application -- from
the commandline -- to close foo.pdf (but leave other pdfs open, ie,
without actually killing the Preview process)?

Christian was kind enough to provide a pointer an article that leads here.

1. go to (the
maintainer of the page is some other Trevor, not me)

2. scroll down and download the "Reload Preview Document" applescript

3. unzip the resulting applescript and put somewhere on the filesystem
such that PATH knows about the script

4. the usage is then

 osascript "Reload Preview Document.scpt" foo.pdf

Trevor Bača

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