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Re: special characters in lyricmode

From: Roland Goretzki
Subject: Re: special characters in lyricmode
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 00:10:33 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

Hello list, hello Geoff,

You wrote:
> If you have a UTF-8 compatible text editor, you should be able to type
> the character you want directly into your input file.

On my machine I'm using latin1, and so with Your hint I found another
solution now:

I created a file "umlaute" with the six special characters called
"Umlaut" and the ess-tzet. Then I used the program recode as follows:

    recode latin1..utf8 umlaute

So I got the UTF-8-Symbols

Afterwards I wrote the following into my .vimrc:

    autocmd BufRead *.ly imap ä À
    autocmd BufRead *.ly imap ö ö
    autocmd BufRead *.ly imap ü ÃŒ
    autocmd BufRead *.ly imap Ä Ã„
    autocmd BufRead *.ly imap Ö Ã–
    autocmd BufRead *.ly imap Ü Ãœ
    autocmd BufRead *.ly imap ß ÃŸ

So I can type ä (a-Umlaut) and get the corresponding UTF-8-Symbol.
And it works!

Thank You for the help! :-)

Best Regards           Roland

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