\version "2.6.3" \header{ title = "Your Song" poet = "T: " composer = "M: " % instrument = "2 voc + git" source = "" maintainer = "Henning Hraban Ramm" maintainerWeb = "http://angerweit.tikon.ch/lieder/" lastupdated = "2006-01-05" tagline = "" copyright = "" } global = { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 4/4 } guitarChords = \chordmode { % put your guitar chords here % use the same repeats as in the voices! } dynamics = \relative c { % use this to influence MIDI dynamics r1\mp } % if you use \voiceOne and \voiceTwo, % you can print two voices on one staff upperVoice = \relative c'' { %\voiceOne \repeat volta 2 { } \alternative { { } { } } } lowerVoice = \relative c' { %\voiceTwo \repeat volta 2 { } \alternative { { } { } } } text = \lyricmode { %\set stanza = "1. " % You know how to write ly -- rics, don’t you? } % Paper Output \score { << \context ChordNames { % \germanChords \set chordChanges = ##t \guitarChords } \context Staff = Upper << \global \context Voice = "one" \upperVoice %\context Voice = "two" \lowerVoice >> \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics { \text } % comment this if you need only one voice: \context Staff = Lower << \global %\context Voice = "one" \upperVoice \context Voice = "two" \lowerVoice >> >> \layout { indent = 0\cm } } % MIDI Output \score { \unfoldRepeats { % otherwise you get no repeats in the MIDI << \context Staff = chords << \set Staff.midiInstrument = "fx 4 (atmosphere)" \context Voice = chords { << \dynamics \akkorde >> } >> \context Staff = Upper << \set Staff.midiInstrument = "violin" \context Voice = ober \upperVoice >> \context Staff = Lower << \set Staff.midiInstrument = "viola" \context Voice = unter \lowerVoice >> >> } \midi{ \tempo 4=180 } % tempo doesn't change in most players }