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Extra staff in score with lyrics

From: liang seng
Subject: Extra staff in score with lyrics
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 19:03:00 +0000

Hi, I'm using Lilypond 2.7.17 to do a score with solo voice and strings. Here
is a small extract from the voice line ( :

\version "2.7.17"
lyric =
 \context Staff \context Voice = "melody" {
    f'2 << \context Voice = other { \voiceOne \tiny g c f,4 } \context
Voice=melody { \voiceTwo \normalsize g,2 c f,4 } >> \oneVoice r4

 \lyricsto "melody" \new Lyrics { Al -- le -- lu -- ja. }

And here is the full score (

\version "2.7.17"
\include ""
\score {
\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff << { \set Staff.instrument = "Violin" R1 R1 } >>
\new Staff << { \set Staff.instrument = "Viola" R1 R1} >>
\new Staff << { \set Staff.instrument = "Soprano" \lyric } >>
\new Staff << { \set Staff.instrument = "Cello" R1 R1 } >> >> >>

For the sake of simplicity, all the staves except the soprano staff contain only rests. Here, when I compile, the output look good except for one thing. The soprano staff is at the correct position (3rd staff from the top). However, the lyrics, which are supposed to be below the soprano staff, are at the bottom of the score, below the last (cello) staff. Why is this? How can I rectify this? Another interesting thing is, when I replace \context Staff with \new Staff in, the full score has an extra staff above the soprano staff, but the
staff has no notes or rests, only a clef. Again, why does this happen?
Thank you.
Seng Liang.

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