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Cross-voice arpeggios

From: Bertalan Fodor
Subject: Cross-voice arpeggios
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 14:46:08 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.1 (Windows/20040626)

I want to make cross-voice arpeggios for 2.2.5

I've found this but, \hideNotes in not allowed chords:

So I invented a solution:
<<  \context Voice = "arp" { \hideNotes <cis' e,>4.\arpeggio }
{ cis4. h8 a4} \\ { <gis e>2 fis4 }
I.e. I use an invisible chord for making the arpeggio.
But that gives me a warning about clashing notecolumns (I understand why), and I'm curious if there is a cleaner solution. Does anyone have something like this?


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