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Problem with spacing of \markup on \skips vs on notes

From: Reuben Thomas
Subject: Problem with spacing of \markup on \skips vs on notes
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 05:14:13 +0100 (CET)

If you try the following example on 2.1.27:

\score {
  \notes {
    s1^\markup "Verylongtext"\f
    a'1^\markup "Verylongtext"\f

you find that in the first bar, the f and "Verylongtext" are centred on
each other, whereas in the second bar, they are left aligned.

This causes me problems when I am trying to put \markup and dynamics on a
right hand piano stave that is empty (just s's), because when I have a
dynamic marking and a \markup at the start of a bar, the dynamic no longer
lines up with the start of the bar (and hence seems not to apply to notes
in the left hand).

How can I get left-alignment, as when there is a note, but without
anything appearing? I could make an invisible note, but I was hoping there
was an easier way...

frog, n.  a prince waiting for the right kiss

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