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"Meter" position

From: Thomas Scharkowski
Subject: "Meter" position
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 11:57:09 +0100

Thank you for your patience, but I am still at the very beginning...
Maybe I have missed something, but is there an easy way to position 
the "meter" indication (e.g. Allegro) left-flushed with the time-
signature? I have tried a workaround with text markup, but I am sure 
there is a more elagant solution.

\time 4/4
\key a \major
\property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #6
<a a' cis'' a''>\f r8^\markup {\center<\bold {Allegro 
Spiritoso}>}fis''16( e'')\stemUp <e dis''>8 e'' d'' b'


cygwin, 2.1.11

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